Would you believe that it is possible? What’s more, you don’t even have to leave the house to help. Everything happens imperceptibly, thanks to the FaniMani.pl website! But how? What is FaniMani.pl? Imagine you are shopping online. Let’s say you …
Recently, an entry about creativity and how important it is in the development of a small person appeared on our blog. Do you remember? On October 31, we had the opportunity to find out for ourselves. Recently, we have been …
Robotics and programming are great, developing activities, but let’s not forget that even the sharpest minds need a large dose of creativity in their activities. What is creativity and why is it so important? We humans are the source of …
The last few months have been marked by fruitful cooperation. We are constantly looking for new development opportunities and making new contacts so that we can give more and more of ourselves! Each new skill, each smile of our charges …
MEET AND CODE 2022 Nowadays, when the development of technology is gaining momentum, there are many new professions that you should start preparing for from an early age. We offer you, dear parents, and in fact your children, a unique …
We are pleased to announce the start of cooperation with the Foundation PZU! The project is funded by the PZU Foundation, thanks to which we will be able to bring help and joy even further and louder! Help is Power …
Our organization joined the programPajacyk – Polska Akcja Humanitarna – psychosocial help! Our common goal is to provide children and youth from Ukraine and Poland adequate help in these difficult times. As part of the program, we will be able …
Hi, we are from Ukraine! This slogan is now on the lips of millions of people who are defending the borders of our country and those who are saving their families and children from Russian aggression and bombing. More than …
Доброго вечора, ми з України! Це гасло зараз на устах мільйонів людей, які захищають кордони нашої країни і тих, хто рятує свої сім’ї та дітей від російської агресії та бомбардувань. Понад 3 мільйони з них перетнули кордон у пошуках захисту …
Regulamin konkursu “Czas na English Club” Fundacja Wsparcia, Rozwoju i Nauki NABU ·CZWARTEK, 3 marca 2022 ·CZAS CZYTANIA: 17 MIN § 1. DEFINICJE Okreslenia uzyte w niniejszym regulaminie (dalej jako: „Regulamin”) oznaczaja: 1. „Organizator” – organizatorem Konkursu jest Wiesław Maciechowki, …