Welcome to NABU - Support, Development and Science Foundation

Misja naszej fundacji

The mission of our Foundation is to create a friendly space for children and seniors. We help people affected by poverty and at risk of social exclusion. We are active in the field of education and upbringing – we pay particular attention to the promotion of English language and robotics among children and young people. We make every effort to organise time for our children in an attractive way.

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Upcoming Events

English Club – course enrollment!
11:00 - 17:00
Jasło, ul. PCK 2
Spring semester ROBOTICS – recruitment
08:00 - 17:00
Jasło, ul. PCK 2
Young Youtuber – sign up!
10:00 - 13:00
Jasło, ul. PCK 2
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OUR Classes

Meet Our Animators

72 (1)

Katarzyna Wielgus

Chairman Of The Foundation

Hubert Pogorzelski

Hubert Pogorzelski

Coordinator Of Foundation

2 (1)

Adam Tran

Technical Activity Animator

From Blog

Z blogu

Wieslaw Maciechowski
Oct 18, 2015


Hello! You have probably already noticed that at our Foundation we are very good with the English language? Why? We are in a hurry to explain! English is the most popular language in the world – that much is indisputable. …

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Welcome to the website of our Foundation!
Wieslaw Maciechowski
Jan 20, 2016

Welcome to the website of our Foundation!

Welcome to the website of our Foundation! Nabu Foundation – where did our name come from? In Babylonian mythology, Nabu was the god of literature, knowledge and wisdom. One of our goals is to educate, both the youngest and the …

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Regulamin konkursu
Fundacja NABU
Mar 03, 2022

Regulamin konkursu

Regulamin konkursu “Czas na English Club” Fundacja Wsparcia, Rozwoju i Nauki NABU ·CZWARTEK, 3 marca 2022 ·CZAS CZYTANIA: 17 MIN § 1. DEFINICJE Okreslenia uzyte w niniejszym regulaminie (dalej jako: „Regulamin”) oznaczaja: 1. „Organizator” – organizatorem Konkursu jest Wiesław Maciechowki, …

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we invite you to cooperate with us, join us

Our organization joined the program
Pajacyk: psychosocial help!

  So far, we have known the „Pajacyk”” program from feeding starving children. From the beginning of March 2021, PAH expanded its activities to include psychological support for young people. Since May we have been operating together with Pajacyk! Our common goal is to provide children with adequate support in these difficult times.

   Joining the program gives us the opportunity to reach out to children and youth in our region even wider! As part of the program, we will be able to: provide psychological assistance (group and individual) for people with refugee experience, organize English, Polish, robotics and programming classes for them, as well as integration meetings. Participation in the program also allows us to develop the creativity of children and youth through art classes and support their sports interests through physical activities.

  Who will be covered by our help? We, as well as other organizations operating as part of Pajacyk: psychosocial assistance, conducted a diagnosis of needs in our regions. Among the beneficiaries covered by the program there will be refugees from Ukraine, mainly children and youth with their families, who came to the Jasło poviat in connection with the armed conflict taking place in their homeland. Integration meetings will also be attended by children and youth of Polish descent for social integration, which will help everyone to acclimate to the new environment and situation.

Nasza organizacja dołączyła do programu Pajacyk

Our joint activities with the Polish Humanitarian Action for the development of children can be supported through the following websites:

Polish Humanitarian Action:

Pajacyk: https://www.pajacyk.pl/wesprzyj/

We are pleased to announce the start of cooperation
with the PZU Foundation!

The project is funded by the PZU Foundation, thanks to which we will be able to bring help and joy even further and even louder!

Pomoc to Moc – społeczna odpowiedzialność PZU – Thank you! Help is power!

Follow us and wait for details. Stay tuned!

#FundacjaPZU #bliskoludzi #edukacja #pomoc #pomocspołeczna #integracja

Nasza Fundacja dołączyła do programu PZU

We are pleased to inform you about the start of cooperation
with the Education for Democracy Foundation, with the support
of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation.

Project co-financed by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation as part of the We Support Ukraine program, implemented by the Education for Democracy Foundation

As part of the “Helping Ukraine” project, we organize various activities for our charges. Learning Polish, English, group classes and much, much more! Follow us and stay up to date!

Wspieramy Ukrainę

Happy Parents

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